AFTER THE STORM: Professionalizing IT
When you’re coming out of that dizzying hypergrowth business phase we call the Tornado, it’s time to get things back in order. That means salvaging as much as you can [...]
When your business is sucked up into the hypergrowth phase I call the Tornado, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is, no phase lasts forever. That’s also [...]
People resist change – it’s our nature. Whether it’s trying to introduce a regular workout schedule into your weekly routine, giving up a bad habit, or even just adjusting your [...]
What Goes Up …
Your big upward rush has stalled, and somehow, despite all those sales and all the new people you’ve brought on, your margins are rapidly shrinking. How could that be? And [...]
That Roaring Sound You Hear Might Just Be A Tornado…
Have you ever seen a tornado up close and in person? I promise you, it’s not something you can ignore or overlook. The sky goes black; the wind starts to [...]
Getting People Onboard with Change
Change is challenging for everyone, and when you’re changing up a familiar IT system for something new, a lot of your people are apt to feel lost, and may even [...]