The View From Inside the Tornado
I’ve talked about surviving the Tornado; that wild hypergrowth phase that blasts your company up to the sky, then just as rapidly drops it back to earth. But what does [...]
The Forward-Looking Leader
Who’s more likely to survive a powerful storm: The person who prepares for what’s coming, and has a plan in place to deal with the likely outcome or the one [...]
Don’t Panic!
You’re caught up in the Business Storm Cycle – and though you may not have heard its name, you’re certainly aware of its impact. Maybe you’re caught up in the [...]
When It’s Time To Call An Expert…
How often have you tried to economize by fixing something yourself, only to be forced to call in an expert to fix not only what was broken, but your subsequent [...]
Tornado Warning? Be Prepared
What do you do when the weather report warns of an impending large-scale storm? You hit the hardware store for flashlights, batteries and candles, nail sheets of plywood over your [...]
Define the Job, Not the Worker
Your long-time executive assistant just came into your office with some good news/bad news; for her, the good news is she’s retiring to a beach house in Cabo. For you, [...]