Better, Faster, Smarter
These days, those three words – better, faster, smarter - have become the goal for all sorts of businesses. Do a Google search and you’ll see them applied to banking, [...]
Taking Stock When The Storms Subside: How to Utilize The Consolidation Phase
So, you’ve weathered the hyper-growth phase of the Business Storm Cycle we call the Tornado, suffered thru the Avalanche phase of shrinking margins, and you’re now in the consolidation phase, [...]
Resistance to Change? It’s Human Nature
So – your company has gone through its first Business Storm Cycle, and come out the other side. You survived the Tornado of hypergrowth and booming sales, and all the [...]
How Do You Define “Start-Up?”
How do you define “start-up?” Think about your answer, because that definition can impact your business in a big way, for better or worse. If you ask most business owners, [...]
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When Cost-Cutting Costs You More
So you’ve come through the Business Storm Cycle, bruised but still in business. You know that you need to rebalance and realign your people, processes, and IT. If you recognize [...]